Sunday, August 24, 2008

Pictures from 1st Day of School

Here are a few pictures of the first day of school. As always, you can click on each pic for a larger version. For those of you who aren't sure, William is on the left and Grant on the right in the first 3 pictures.
Grant, William and Mommy stop and pose in the atrium of the school. In the background you can see the equipment that will be used later during the boys' favorite "subject", RECESS!!!!!
William is quite finished with the picture taking at this point and begins to contemplate whether we will actually leave or not :)
Grant has already seen us linger in William's class and gives us his best "polite face" all the while wondering, "Are they going to act like this next year for second grade too?"

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Well, the big day is here! It's 6:20 AM right now on the first day of school for 1st grade. Ugghhh!!!!!!!! All I can think right now is, "I don't think I know where a Starbucks is on the way to school." We worked this summer on finding the best route to go to school since it's a 14 mile commute during rush hour. We found several shortcuts, but the route includes mostly roads that are not widely used thus my issue of the moment. I may have to wait until after dropoff to find a Starbucks :( Whose idea was it anyway to start work and school so early in the day? The founding fathers? Surely, a man as intelligent as Thomas Jefferson could have foreseen that lazy sleepyheads such as myself would be much better starting school around noon. I guess this post is just a long way of saying, "I HATE MORNINGS!!!" First day of school pictures to come later :)

Saturday, August 16, 2008


Change seems to be the theme of August for our family. Julie and I celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary at the beginning of this month and we celebrated Julie's 33rd birthday this past week, but the real change is yet to come. Next week the boys start 1st Grade at a new school, Prestonwood Christian Academy, and they will be in separate classes. It will be a huge change to our morning routine since school starts earlier than their kindergarten did and Julie will have a 25-30 minute drive to get there vs. the kindergarten which was 2 blocks away. I accepted a new job this week at Overhead Door Corporation to manage their financial reporting systems. My last day at Citi will be September 5th. Hopefully that's all the change we'll be experiencing for now. Too much more, and my hair might start turning gray ;)