Monday, January 29, 2007

Running Fast

The boys and I went to Ameriquest Field in Arlington on Saturday for the annual Fan Fest event that the Texas Rangers hold (the baseball team, not the police force). The boys got new baseballs and were playing with them all evening. About 7:00 pm Grant was chasing a routine grounder behind the couch and it was getting away from him. In his words he was "running so fast I had to close my eyes". As he rounded the corner of the couch, with his eyes closed, he met up with Claire. An hour later she still could not put any weight on her leg without falling to the floor so off to the ER we go. The initial diagnosis is a sprained knee-no fracture; however, the ER doctor admitted that X-rays can be misleading with children this young so we are following up with an orthopedic specialist at Children's Medical Center. Their earliest appointment is Thursday so hopefully we will have more info at that time. Currently it is splinted from hip to ankle with one of those sleeves with all of the velcro straps. And the lesson of the week is: No matter how fast you can run, keep your eyes open.


Welcome to my blog. I've decided once again to try to maintain some sort of website for the family so everyone can stay up to date with the Bartleys. This is my third attempt at this, but it should be the easiest format to maintain so hopefully I will keep it more current than past attempts. I'm quite certain I won't be updating it daily, but hopefully a few times a week.